What kinds of electric cables for wiring at home

2023-05-23 301

Wires are used to transmit (magnetic) energy, information and wire products that can be converted into electromagnetic energy.

During home decoration, wires are indispensable for concealed engineering decoration materials.

The first thing you need to do is learn a little about wires.

The difference between wires and cables

We generally refer to wires and cables without strict boundaries as wires and cables.

If you have to make a distinction, it's a cord consisting of a soft cord with a soft, soft covering.

Cables are made from a single piece of insulation, a layer of insulation and an outer metal or rubber.

Home improvement generally does not require the use of cables, and the wires already meet the requirements

Normal size of household electrical wire

What we often hear about the square of the wire is the size of the wire. Common sizes are 1.5 square, 2.5 square, 4 square, 6 square, and 10 square.

The wire square is the square millimeter, which is the size of the conductor area of the wire.

Classification of household wires

Wires are classified into various types according to their use.

Power lines are relatively low compared to other utility lines such as engineering.

Specifically, household electrical wires have the following categories:

Hard wire: professionally known as BV wire, mainly used for power supply, lighting, sockets, air conditioners, etc., suitable for power equipment, electrical appliances, instrumentation, and equipment with cables with AC voltage up to 450/750.

The hard wire has a certain hardness, and it is more convenient to bend and straighten

Soft line: professionally called BVR line, suitable for power devices with AC voltage of 450/750v and below.

Wires for everyday appliances, meters and telecommunication equipment such as distribution boxes.

The soft wire is made of scum, and the soft wire is larger than the hard wire.

Hard and soft wires (weak wires): single and copper cores, generally referred to as cables, low-voltage power cables.