Main advantages and disadvantages of power cables

2023-05-23 241

In power lines, the proportion of cables is gradually increasing. Power cables are cable products used to transmit and distribute high-power electrical energy in the backbone of the power system, including various voltage levels of 1-500KV and above, as well as various insulated power cables.

Power cables are cables used to transmit and distribute electrical energy. Power cables are often used in urban underground power grids, power station outlets, internal power supply in industrial and mining enterprises, and power lines under river water.

The main advantages are:

1) Due to the influence of external factors (such as lightning strikes, wind damage, bird damage, etc.), its power supply reliability is high;

2) The power cable is buried underground, the project is hidden, and has little impact on the city appearance and environment. Even if an accident occurs, it will generally not affect personal safety;

3) The cable capacitance is large, which can improve the line power factor.

weakness is:

1) The construction cost is high, the one-time construction investment is large, and the cable line investment is about 10 times that of the overhead line of the same voltage level;

2) Difficulty dividing lines;

3) It is difficult to find the fault point, and it is inconvenient to deal with the accident in time;

4) The construction process of the cable joint is complicated.